6 Reasons Why You Should Check Your Indoor Air Quality

Posted August 3, 2023 by in Home
stylish living room

The quality of the air that we breathe determines our quality of life. We all know that outside our homes lies widespread air pollution and airborne toxins, but were you aware that our homes are also contaminated? It is said that in some homes, there are more indoor pollutants than would be breathed in outside. 

Ensuring the quality of the air you breathe is crucial to a healthy lifestyle, and if you are worried about the quality of the air inside your home, then look no further than this page. This page will tell you six reasons why you should check your indoor air quality, as well as solutions, and how you can check them. Here they are:

dust particles in the sunlight


Mold is one of the main causes of indoor air pollution around the globe. Mold can be caused by many things, but the main reason is humidity. It is important that at the first sign of mold you begin improving air quality in your home. You can do this in many ways, but the most effective is air filters; air filters catch the mold particles and spores in the air and trap them. Once you have washed the mold away or called in for professionals if it is particularly widespread, you can clean the filter out, and hopefully, it will not reoccur. 

Mold and mildew are very common and often harmless, but if you suffer from mold intolerance or are allergic to mold spores, you can suffer massively. Toxic black mold, while uncommon, can cause life-changing illnesses and persisting lung problems. Addressing mold is essential to a better quality of life and a safer home for you and your family. You can measure your air quality with an AQI (Air Quality Index), which will determine how many pollutants are in the air.


Carbon monoxide is the silent killer we are all familiar with. Yearly, millions of people around the globe die from carbon monoxide poisoning, and admittedly this is mostly in underdeveloped countries, but it can still happen in the west. The catalyst for combustion is using gas stoves.

Gas stoves release pollutants like the aforementioned, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and others. If you have a gas stove, it is crucial for your health and longevity of life that you check your air quality regularly to prevent falling victim to this common, silent, household killer.

Moreover, if you have a fireplace or use any other combustion appliances in your home, it is important to regularly check for leaks and malfunctioning equipment. This is why warning signs should be used. Homeowners are often asking experts what is an air quality alert and what indicates it, and it is essential to know the signs of poor air quality caused by combustion. For example, if you experience headaches, dizziness, or nausea when using gas appliances, it is a sign of carbon monoxide poisoning and should not be ignored.


Radon is produced by decaying uranium. Radon, ordinarily, passes through the soil where it is produced and into the air harmlessly. Unfortunately, however, occasionally it has been known to get into people’s homes, and because of this, is the number two most common cause of lung cancer in North America.

Radon often lingers around basements and the lower levels of people’s homes and can be detected, accurately, with a radon meter. You should always have these around, as the initial symptoms of radon poisoning may not be obvious. Over twenty thousand North Americans die every year as a result of radon, so be cautious.


Asbestos is a heat-resistant natural fiber that was once used to insulate homes. It was, unfortunately, proven to cause lung cancer, scarring, and mesothelioma. In many older buildings, asbestos remains undisturbed, and cannot harm anybody, as asbestos only becomes harmful when it is made airborne.

Older buildings, however, are more prone to construction work and repairs, which means that they have a very high likelihood of being disturbed. Asbestos is a big killer and has killed hundreds of thousands of people over the years.


VOCs, or volatile organic compounds, are found in all manner of household products. They are found in our mattresses, our sofas, and even in our cars. Volatile organic compounds off-gas, which means they release gasses for a while after they have been produced, and these gasses can cause the infamous sick-building syndrome.

VOCs are contained within the paint, also. VOCs can be very harmful, and it can be very hard to test for them, although a product will likely tell you if they are using VOCs on the packaging.

Dust and Droppings

Dust and animal droppings are a very common cause of air pollution. Rodent droppings will take place behind the walls of your home and the toxins will be made airborne without you ever knowing. Dust is quite easy to find and should be cleaned to prevent airborne pollution. Dust can irritate your lungs and make you quite unwell. Always clean up your dust and be on the lookout for droppings.

Now you know a few reasons that you should check your indoor air quality, and a few ways how. You must cultivate a good quality of air to ensure a good quality of life and a healthy life.